I've been notified that my three reviewers are ready for my book... Now What? — Military Writers Society of America

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I've been notified that my three reviewers are ready for my book... Now What?


General Instructions

Please keep in mind that you will not send any books to anyone at MWSA until you receive an email from us! This is because we need to identify your three reviewers first.

It can take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks to allow time for all three reviewers to volunteer and be assigned to your book. Once we get those three reviewers, we’ll send you instructions via email.

Generally speaking, you’ll be sending paper copies of your books to each of your three reviewers’ home address or PO Box.

When it comes to eBooks, you can expect to send any and all eBooks directly to the awards directors (using mwsaawardsdirectors@gmail.com). We will then forward eBook downloading links (normally in the form of Amazon Kindle certificates) to each reviewer getting that format.

No matter what format of review copy you’re mailing or emailing, please let us know they’re on the way so we can track our progress and ensure nothing gets lost in the mail.

Here are some more specific details and guidance:

My book is available in Paper format only (i.e., hard- or softcover)

  • You will be mailing three copies to three different addresses.

  • To maintain reviewer anonymity, you’ll address each book to Reviewer 1, Reviewer 2, or Reviewer 3.

My book is available in eBook format only (i.e., Kindle, iBook, Nook, etc.)

  • All three certificates (again, in nearly all cases, that means Amazon Kindle certificates) will go to the awards directors’ email.

  • We don’t accept PDF.

  • Click here for detailed instructions.

My book is available in BOTH Paper and eBook formats

Here’s where things get a bit more complicated.

Like ALL readers, our reviewers each have different preferences when it comes to book formats. Some will only read paper versions. Others prefer or will only accept eBooks. Some will only take Kindle eBooks, while still others will take almost any acceptable electronic format.

Here are some more specific examples and guidelines:

  • If a reviewer only accepts eBooks, you will never see their address (i.e., you cannot mail them a paper copy).

  • If a reviewer indicates that they prefer eBooks over paper books, please send them an eBook if you can!

  • If a reviewer’s format preference indicates that they “Also accept eBook [or Kindle],” it means they’ll accept either paper or eBook. It’s up to YOU to decide between paper or eBook when it comes to sending to these types of reviewers.

    • Please don’t try to “guess” which format any reviewer would like to receive. You will not increase the odds of a better result by spending more money to mail a paper copy over an eBook (or vice versa) in this case.

    • Sending a format other than what a reviewer prefers is probably not the best course of action.

  • A few of our reviewers have some fairly complex requirements when it comes to which format they expect you to send.

    • Please read these carefully—paying special attention to whether you see the preference applying to Reviewer #1 (the one who’ll be writing your review), or Reviewer #2 or #3.

    • For example, some reviewers will only accept paper copies IF they’re in that #1 review-writing slot OR if they’re reviewing a book that includes a large number of photos or illustrations (e.g. Children’s Picture Books, Photo Books, Pictorial/Coffee Table books).

In the end, if you have any questions after you’ve read the above, please contact your awards directors.