The Awards Banquet is over and I've won a medal... Now What? — Military Writers Society of America

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The Awards Banquet is over and I've won a medal... Now What?



Awards Packet & Material

If you joined us during the awards banquet, you already have your awards packet. Hopefully, you also got a great photo of the presentation of your medal, and you’ve posted it to your website.

If you were unable to join us during the banquet, we have your awards package ready to go. We’ll mail those awards packets within a few days after our annual conference and awards banquet. If you’ve changed your address since you submitted your book, please let us know so you get your packet.

Promotional Material

Visit our promotional materials page to find several items that might be of use for your book promotion and marketing efforts:

Social Media

By now, your book has shown up on the MWSA website and several of our social media sites. Share, like, re-tweet, follow, forward, mingle, contribute, muse, thank, explain… you know, do all that “social media stuff!”

You should visit these various pages periodically to see if anyone has reacted to your book’s listing.

First of all, respond to any comments! These are your potential book-buying customers, so it’s a good idea to at least let them know you’re “listening.” Thank them if they make positive comments. Respond with care if they’ve got something not-so-nice to say. Let us know if someone responds inappropriately (i.e., “buy my book, it’s better than this one” or “buy my vacation home” or “visit my adult website”). If the offending post is on our MWSA website, we should be able to remove it. If it’s on social media, there’s not a lot we can do to help.

Bookmark all those places in your web browser so you can easily find your book’s listing on those various websites. Remember, MWSA copies all our book listings to Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, Tumblr, and others will be added in the future.

Not sure how to find your book’s listings? Click on all those social media icons on the bottom of every one of our MWSA website’s pages. Search for your book’s listing and bookmark it.

Reviewer Comments

Shortly after our awards banquet, we send all award winners their reviewers’ comments. We don’t send you these comments until after the banquet to avoid any “bean spilling” beforehand regarding which medal you might have won.

Please keep in mind that even if you won a gold medal, our reviewers might have found something in their evaluation that you’d like to change/update/correct in a future edition—or perhaps they’ll have mentioned something you can use in your next book.

Pay It Forward… Please!

You have won a medal from a recognized and growing organization. Help “pay it forward” by grabbing the hand of a fellow author. Help them figure out what works and what doesn’t. Consider your efforts directed toward a goal: that you and your fellow MWSA author might stand together and receive a medal at a future awards banquet.

Consider volunteering with our organization. Sharpen your writing skills by helping out as an MWSA reviewer. Contribute an article to our website, social media, or Dispatches magazine. Help monitor and/or contribute to our various social media outlets.

Whatever you can do, however much time you have, every bit helps. We’re all better when we work together!

 updated 10/3/2024