MWSA Interview with Daniel L. Berry — Military Writers Society of America

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MWSA Interview with Daniel L. Berry

Date of interview: 15 June 2020

Daniel L. Berry originally wrote the poem that became his first book, “You Are Always With Me: A Poem for Those at Home When a Loved One Deploys”, as a way to connect with his family while working overseas in support of the military. As a civilian contractor pilot, Daniel had the privilege of flying over 500 combat support missions over 14 deployments during Operations Enduring Freedom and Freedom’s Sentinel. He continues to work as a professional pilot.

Daniel has always been passionate about writing. He earned a bachelor’s degree in English Writing from the University of Colorado, and has completed additional coursework through the UCLA Extension Writer’s Program.

When Daniel isn’t writing or spending quality time with his supportive wife and two rambunctious daughters, he enjoys playing guitar, and is a songwriter, recording artist, and performer. He lives in Fairfax, Virginia.

To find out more about Daniel, visit

Follow him on Facebook @DanielLBerryAuthor

MWSA: What do you think are the main benefits of being an MWSA member?

Daniel L. Berry: Participation in MWSA’s annual review and awards contest has helped me to get my book in front of my readers through MWSA’s website and social media connections. The review I received from MWSA’s professional reviewer not only provided excellent feedback on my work, but also aided my marketing efforts. Being associated with MWSA’s cadre of authors working to honor the Military has lent additional credibility to my work as well.

MWSA: How did you come up with the idea for your book, “You Are Always With Me: A Poem for Those at Home When a Loved One Deploys”?

Daniel L. Berry: As a deployed defense contractor, I was always looking for ways to connect with my wife and young daughters. For my children especially, I wanted to address the emotions they might be feeling while I was overseas — loneliness, sadness, fear, and even anger — and let them know that they were always in my thoughts. My wife informed me that my oldest daughter kept her copy of the poem close by her bed and would read it often. That’s when I realized the poem could help others connect in a really positive way with their loved ones back home as well.

MWSA: There are several books on the market aimed at families of deployed service members. With that in mind, why did you think it was important to publish another book on this subject?

Daniel L. Berry: Many of the books that address deployment are intended for male soldiers at a time when not only many women deploy, but also many contractors in support roles. In fact, in Iraq and Afghanistan, at times contract personnel outnumbered those in uniform two-to-one. While these personnel do not necessarily face the same dangers as our troops, they do face many of the same hardships — namely, being separated from their loved-ones for long stretches of time. My aim with “You Are Always With Me” was to create a book that can be given by any deployed person to the ones they love, regardless of race, gender, branch of service, sexual orientation, or family formation.

MWSA: How did you go about making the book universally appealing to all of those who deploy?

Daniel L. Berry: I decided to use cartoon rabbits for the main characters of the book — one leaving for deployment, and the other staying home. The two rabbits are physically different from one another, but not of one specific age, race or gender. This allows anyone to relate to the characters. whether they are deployed or staying at home. This did pose some challenges, since military clothing often seems very masculine. However, I think that the illustrator, Brian Azhar, did an amazing job of making the characters universally relatable. Also, the poem that comprises the text of the book was written for a first- or second-grade reading level. So it is easy to understand for all readers, young or old.

MWSA: Since the book has been published, what has been the response, and what plans do you have for the book in the future?

Daniel L. Berry: The book went on sale just last month, and the response has been nothing short of stunning. I have received an outpouring of support not only from friends, but from total strangers. I was contacted by a prominent marriage and family therapist who learned of the project, and who wrote a beautiful editorial review for the book. Most importantly, the book is getting into the hands of my intended readers — those who deploy — and is helping them connect with their families back home. I heard the other day from a high-school friend I hadn’t spoken to in over twenty years, who bought the book for his sister-in-law whose husband deploys. She loved the book.

Ultimately, I would love for everyone who deploys to know about the book as a way to create meaningful connection with their loved-ones during their absence. I have contacted several organizations that provide deployment support for families with the hope of getting the book listed as a resource. I would love to get the book included in programs such as the USO’s United Through Reading. Also, I plan to run a fund drive in the near future to provide copies of the book free of charge to military units currently on deployment around the world.

MWSA: Do you have any advice for other authors contemplating writing a book?

Daniel L. Berry: Do it! Publishing has never been easier or more accessible. There is a wealth of knowledge and support at your fingertips. I knew nothing about the publishing process when I started. And I put off getting started for several years, worried that “I just wasn’t ready”. It felt great when I finally committed to doing it. I hired my own illustrator and editor and, in a matter of a few months, had created a work with the power to change lives for the better. At a time when much in the world can seem dire, and in which so many of us are divided in our beliefs, the most important thing we can do is create something beautiful that brings us together.
