Mike Mullins Writer of Year Award — Military Writers Society of America

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Mike "Moon" Mullins 1948-2017

Mike "Moon" Mullins

Mike Mullins
Writer of the Year Award

Background | Nomination Form | Writer of the Year Winners | Moon's Mutterings

Background Information & Process

In December of 2017, the MWSA Board of Directors approved the dedication of our organization's Writer of the Year award to honor long-time MWSA member, Michael D "Moon" Mullins.

1. The Award and Medal shall be awarded annually to the Writer of the Year (WOY) for distinguished writing contributions. 
2. The Awards Committee and the Board of Directors in their deliberations will consider the following :

+ Definitions

  1. The Committee shall consider all forms of writing—fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
  2. The author’s work displays respect for the military and military family understandings, abilities, and appreciations.
  3. “Distinguished” contributions are defined as:
  • Marked by eminence and distinction; noted for significant achievement.
  • Marked by excellence in quality.
  • Individually distinct.
  1. “Writer/Author” may include co-writers and co-authors. The writer(s) may be awarded the medal posthumously.

+ Criteria

  1. Candidate should have a “significant body of work.” This requires a minimum of four books, articles, or works in publication, and must include award/recognition at a minimum from MWSA.
  2. Candidate must be a dues paying member or Lifetime member of MWSA.
  3. Candidate should attend the MWSA Conference to receive the award (if not posthumously awarded). MWSA also expects-but does not require-that the winner agree to stay connected and engaged with the organization throughout the year following his or her designation as WOY. Such engagement might include hosting a Writers Education Seminar, serving as a reviewer, and/or delivering a presentation at MWSA's Annual Membership Conference.
  4. MWSA Officers and Members of the Board of Directors currently serving will only be considered as an exception to policy.

+ Process

  1. Any member of MWSA in good standing may nominate candidates, in accordance with the established criteria, for the WOY Award by May 31st annually. a. The MWSA Awards Committee will solicit input via email blasts and other MWSA communications. b. Members must nominate via the online form in the Awards Page of the MWSA website here: https://www.mwsadispatches.com/mike-mullins-woy#nomination

  2. The Awards Committee will receive nominations and recommend them to the Board of Directors by June 15th.

  3. The Board will qualify a maximum of three candidates.

  4. The Board will vote on the candiates by email or by Special Board Meeting on June 30th.

  5. A member of the Board of Directors will notify the WOY by July 10th following the vote to assist in his/her preparations for the annual conference. Finalist non-winners (if any) will be notified at the same time.

+ Award

  1. The winner will receive an engraved trophy and certificate of award presented at the Annual Awards Banquet.

Writers of the Year

2024 Kathleen M Rodgers

2023 Jim Tritten

2022 Robin Hutton

2021 Mike Guardia

2020 Joseph Badal

2019 Dale Dye

2018 Mike Mullins

2017 Not awarded

2016 Not awarded

2015 Carolyn Schriber

2014 Not awarded

2013 Bob Doerr

2012 Michael Angley

2011 Jack Woodville London

2010 and earlier Not awarded or not recorded


Nomination Form

  • Must be a member in good standing

  • Only one vote per member


Moon's Mutterings

Excerpts from a few of Mike's "Moon's Mutterings" column:


Each month it seems harder for me to do my column. Too often I feel repetitive. There are things about writing that do not change for me, while I set about evolving into a consistent and well-rounded author. Writing is art. Writing is an obsession. Writing can influence lives. Writing becomes history to one degree or another, but always lands there with a resounding thud. I watch television shows and grow irritated at the amateurish material I see and hear, in terms of the use of our language. I wonder who is teaching what to our students. People we consider polished professionals often cannot even adhere to basic principles such as comparative and superlative statements. I listen to broadcasters match verbs to the objects of prepositions rather than the sentence subject. I studied the evolution of language, but never the dissolution of same. I won't shop in stores that say men's room. They can pay to do it right. They are setting examples for young people. I know I am silly. Most only want to see the word "sale" and "% reduced." The point is I take language seriously. I understand that we speak in the vernacular. I understand that we use colloquialisms. We often write in the same, but when we do there is a purpose, often tied to dialogue. Mistakes, which we all make, are not my concern. Quality, and the effort it takes to sustain it, are. That is one of the reasons I am proud of MWSA. Quality is a core value and the programs we put together are meant to help us all maintain a higher than usual level of that disappearing goal. 

The criticisms I have gotten within this family have helped me evolve into a better writer. The support I get here has turned my educational training into something more creative and flexible. I continue to learn. Every time another educational opportunity is offered to us, it is a chance to be something more than I was before. Our membership forces me to think about what I do. I doubt I will ever be satisfied. I doubt anyone here will be. We push each other at the same time we offer a word of support. It is a pretty good deal for a few bucks a year. 

MWSA Conference -- Orlando FL -- Friday Night, October 9, 2009 Open Mic hosted by MWSA Vice President and Award-winning poet Mike Mullins Mike Mullin's Introduction to Open Mic