The Master Chief's Sea Stories: Volume II Duty Ashore and USS Comte De Grasse (DD 974) by Johnny J Moye — Military Writers Society of America

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The Master Chief's Sea Stories: Volume II Duty Ashore and USS Comte De Grasse (DD 974) by Johnny J Moye

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MWSA Review Pending


Author's Synopsis

Outstanding stories continue as Young Moye expertly communicates his extraordinary journey. Accompany him as he enjoys the freedom of shore duty, finding himself as a person and sailor. Assigned to one of the world’s most powerful warships, the USS Comte De Grasse, he faced the most difficult but amazing period of his life. Initially a meek person, he was forced to lead men and machine through the toughest situations he and his sailors had ever faced.

For millennia, sailors have told stories of the sea. Readers of Volume I (USS Manitowoc) witnessed how four years of arduous naval service transformed a simple boy from the hills into a sailor, communicator and leader.

Built on his journal-based autobiographical account, Moye skillfully articulates his continued transformation—and the transformation of those he led. Stories as only possible from someone who experienced such adventure and challenges.

Moye details significant events that prepared him for future advancement and challenges, both professional and personal. His daily journal entries aboard the Count identify events as they occurred, allowing him to accurately and honestly spin his yarns of adventures and hardships, some too incredible to believe. While experiencing the most amazing time of his life, he also endured days seemingly too difficult for him and his shipmates to bear. But bear they did. Prepare yourself for these amazing sea stories for they are no-shitters.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—Memoir/Biography

Number of Pages: 670

Word Count: 245,000