MWSA Review
Surviving the Stroke: A Minute with God by Marty Martin is a walk in his life as a stroke victim and a stroke survivor. From the moment he realizes that he is in the midst of a crisis until he is discharged to his home undergoing outpatient physical therapy, Marty explains to the reader what to expect if it happens to them. The difficult challenges are multifaceted: physical, mental, and spiritual. Author Martin explains therapies and equipment in detail and becomes a cheerleader for fellow stroke victims to persevere through the highs and lows of recovery, giving the reader hope.
Surviving the Stroke covers a lot of ground in a straight-forward manner. I can see this little book becoming a guide for many on their journey of healing.
Review by Nancy Panko (February 2025)
Author's Synopsis
A personal account of the stroke experience and the recovery and rehabilitation process. A guide for stroke victims, family and caregivers on what to expect immediately following a stroke, and during the recovery and rehabilitation process. Filled with valuable must know information that will provide a guide to what to expect and plan for.
Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle
Review Genre: Nonfiction—Creative Nonfiction
Number of Pages: 148
Word Count: 23000