Whiskey Tango Foxtrot by L. Logan Sharrar — Military Writers Society of America

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot by L. Logan Sharrar

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MWSA Review

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot: The Blue Zoo Boogaloo by L. Logan Sharrar is a combination of the author’s recollections of his years at the Air Force Academy, his life-long friendships formed there, and an imaginary plot formed against the institution. With the first eight chapters of narration to lay the groundwork, Author Sharrar finally incorporates witty repartee among three old friends. When the action picked up, I found myself laughing out loud.
Larry, Frank and Richard are 1972 Graduates of the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. When the Academy is taken over by a whacked out right-wing Militia led by Major General Stonewall Jones, the three old friends, in their 70s, decide to play commando to save the Superintendent, who is being held hostage. The militia, intent on making Colorado a White Only Zone in the middle of the United States, will stop at nothing to achieve their destructive goals.
Larry, Frank, and Richard arm themselves to the teeth, dress in makeshift combat gear, and sneak onto Academy property via a seldom-used back road. Reaching a specific building, they access the tunnels they explored as cadets. In the process of dispatching tunnel guards intent on killing them, the men discover that not only is the “Supe” a hostage, but one hundred fifty cadets are being held in the dining hall as well. Their plan becomes fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants, with input from the “Supe,” to include saving the cadets.

The story soon becomes intense with rampant hilarity. Larry, Frank, and Richard challenge the idea that, with cunning determination, old guys can’t be heroes.

Review by Nancy Panko (February 2023)


MWSA's evaluation of this book found a number of technical problems—including some combination of misspellings, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization errors.


Author's Synopsis

Larry and his friends Frank and Richard are minding their own business drinking beer at a local microbrewery, when they see a news story about the violent take over of the U.S. Air Force Academy by a right-wing militia.  The announced goal of the militia is to hold the Superintendent and some cadets hostage at the Academy, until Colorado is declared a "Free, Whites Only country in the middle of the United States.  The militia commander promises to execute the female Superintendent of the Academy if his demands are not met within 48 hours.  Larry, Frank and Richard do the only thing three old grads could possible under the circumstances, the decide to sneak onto the Academy, enter the steam tunnels which they explored as cadets, and rescue the Superintendent.  Long retired from the Air Force, their work for the last 30 years before retirement had been as Lawyers and Doctors.  Armed to the teeth, they go in.  What could possibly go wrong?

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Fiction—Mystery/Thriller

Number of Pages: 173

Word Count: 51,276 words