The Original Jeeps in Pictures by Paul R. Bruno — Military Writers Society of America

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The Original Jeeps in Pictures by Paul R. Bruno

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MWSA Review

The Original Jeeps in Pictures is written by Paul R. Bruno and is a follow-up book to his earlier works, The First Jeep and The Original Jeeps. The book is a chronological review of the development of the first Jeeps during the period preceding the United States’ entry into World War II. Author Bruno uses photographs and original procurement documents to walk the reader through the complicated process of developing a military vehicle from inception to production. The use of historical photographs of events that were happening while the Jeep was being developed imparts a sense of the critical nature of this vehicle’s importance in preparing the USA for a war that was clearly on the horizon.

Author Bruno uses the photos and the original procurement documents to tell the story of how the Jeep evolved over the years leading to World War II. The author does not tell a story per se in this book; rather he uses comments and narratives about the photographs and documents to tie the story together and explain why the photograph or document on a particular page is significant to his story. Some of the procurement documents might be too bureaucratic in nature for readers who do not have experience with government procurement processes; however, the use of the documents offers the reader a view of the complexities involved in bringing any invention to life in the military-industrial complex that existed before World War II.

This book will be of interest to those who are interested in the history of World War II, especially the United States’ lead-up and preparation at a time when the primary political attitude in the country was isolationism. This book will also be of interest to modern day Jeep enthusiasts who want to know something about the early development of the modern-day Jeep 4x4 vehicle that so many outdoors people view as the ultimate macho vehicle. The Original Jeeps in Pictures is not so much a discussion of the development of the first Jeeps as it is a visual salute to those early vehicles.

Review by Larry Sharrar (February 2023)


Author's Synopsis

The spring and summer of 1940 witnessed the resounding defeat of the French Army and British Expeditionary Force at the hands of a modernized German Army, designed to take advantage of the latest advances in technology. This included mobile vehicles, tanks used in formation to puncture enemy lines, as well as close air support of ground forces. The evacuation of the British from Dunkirk, and the final defeat of their French ally in June 1940, left only a thin line of English fighter planes between that island nation and total defeat.

While events unfolded rapidly in Europe, leaders of the United States Army, decimated by demobilization after World War I and budget cuts during the Great Depression, knew they were completely unprepared for this new type of mobile warfare, called Blitzkrieg or “lightning war.” Experts in the Army had worked from the end of World War I to develop a combined light weapons carrier and command/reconnaissance vehicle—but with limited success. In June 1940 the military compiled a list of requirements for a revolutionary new truck to replace the cart and mule as the Army’s primary method of moving troops and small payloads.

This book tells the story in images of the American Bantam Car Company, Willys-Overland Motors, Inc., and the Ford Motor Company, who all dared to meet the challenge to build pilot models, and eventually production models, of this vehicle. Their journey throughout 1940 and into 1941 comprises a story from which legends come. Overcoming incredible challenges and long odds these firms built the original ¼-ton truck 4x4 “lights”, later known as the iconic Jeep.

Format(s) for review: Paper Only

Review Genre: Nonfiction—History

Number of Pages: 206

Word Count: 8,500