Welcome Back to Abuja Once Again by Carol Yee — Military Writers Society of America

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Welcome Back to Abuja Once Again by Carol Yee

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MWSA Review
Carol Yee’s Welcome Back to Abuja Once Again is a warmly written, informative memoir about how travel made her a citizen of the world. It also has many tips for those who may want to travel internationally, but are a bit timid and don’t really know how to go about it.

In her book, she discusses cultural differences in food, appearance, and customs that show her deep understanding of various parts of the world, while at the same time providing important information to her readers who might be considering travel. She covers practical issues such as “How do I know if the water is safe?” and “What is the attitude toward women and their dress?” in various countries. She also gives good advice on adjusting one’s own behavior to gain better understanding of the local peoples and maximize the travel experience. This is all done in informative and sometimes humorous ways, citing her extensive travel around the world.

I particularly like her humble, humorous style which conveys some fairly serious lessons without ever making herself out to be an expert or talking down to the audience. The book is well-written, has numerous important travel resources, and is easy to understand.

Readers who enjoy travel, who must travel internationally for work, or who think they might wish to travel internationally in their later years will most certainly enjoy this book.

Review by Rob Ballister (June 2021)

Author's Synopsis
Through people-to-people encounters, we expand our sense of mutual understanding and respect.

Welcome Back to Abuja Once Again: How I Became a Citizen of the World highlights how rewarding it is to engage people from around the world. Learning from others who are different from us reveals our common humanity and enhances our ability to solve problems and deal with global crises.

You will be entertained by different travel adventures from around the world and be exposed to interesting cross cultural insights, both cautionary but also delightful.  

World travelers will enjoy “traveling” through Welcome Back to Abuja Once Again, recalling their own experiences, while novice travelers will feel the spark to get out and explore the world.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1636765921, 978-1636761077, 978-1636761084

Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle, ePub/iBook

Review Genre: Nonfiction—Memoir/Biography

Number of Pages: 256