Daddy Left with Mr. Army: A Child's View of Military Deployment by Chandelle Walker — Military Writers Society of America

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Daddy Left with Mr. Army: A Child's View of Military Deployment by Chandelle Walker

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MWSA Review

In her book, Daddy Left with Mr. Army: A Child’s View of Military Deployment, military spouse and author Chandelle Walker has created a powerful tool for military families. Although specifically targeted to those wearing Mr. Army’s green, the book will appeal to military families of all service branches—helping them cope with the stress of military life in general and deployment in particular.

The US military has participated in frequent and lengthy overseas deployments for decades now. The media often focus on the war-fighting aspects of these activities, but overlook the impact on our military families. These deployments cause stress for those left behind—and military children are especially vulnerable. 

The book includes short rhyming passages suitable for young children dealing with different aspects of deployment. Each facing page includes colorful and moving illustrations by Joshua Allen, which help tie together the various issues and emotions brought out as the story progresses.

The author includes a page of helpful suggestions for activities to help families—and especially children—deal with the tremendous challenges associated with having a military parent deployed. I recommend this book for military families with elementary to middle school-aged children.

Review by John Cathcart (February 2019)

Author's Synopsis

 Living as a military child can often be challenging. Have you wondered what a military deployment is like from the eyes of these children? Have you thought about what they might be feeling, and do you question how to help them get through it? In Daddy Left with Mr. Army, author Chandelle Walker offers insight from a child's perspective to help you understand the emotions your child may be feeling as separation occurs. Based on Chandelle's personal experiences in a military family dealing with deployments, Daddy Left with Mr. Army helps both children and parents open a conversation about the time away. Through rhyme and illustrations, this picture book shares the challenges of deployment but also the joys of serving the United States in the military.

ISBN/ASIN: 1480868051
Book Format(s): Hard cover, Soft cover, Kindle
Review Genre: Children & Young Adult—Picture Book
Number of Pages: 30