Raven's Run: A Cybertech Thriller; by John D. Trudel — Military Writers Society of America

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Raven's Run: A Cybertech Thriller; by John D. Trudel

MWSA Review
Creative story telling at its best

In "Raven's Run," John Trudel weaves an global story of intrigue, murder, and paranormal spying into a fast hard-hitting, action thriller. The novel opens with parallel stories - one in present time that includes the murder of an Iranian harbor master and the other covers early exploration in Antarctica and the 1963 murder of an aviation pioneer with ties to President's Kennedy and Johnson.

The two main characters are Raven — a veteran but ousted CIA counter-terrorist operative — and Josie — a paranormal gifted with an exceptional talent for out-of-body viewing anywhere in the world and at different times now or in the past. The two personalities and backgrounds make an unlikely team for a highly secretive government agency tasked with tracking down where Iran is getting an untraceable supply of uranium.

Using characters well defined and back stories well researched, Trudel logically meshes together the many elements of "Raven's Run." Josie and Raven must solve a 55-year-old murder before solving the current time mystery of Iran's super secret adventure in the frozen continent. Raven's skills with weapons and espionage run contrary to Josie's strong abhorrence to violence. But when she is on an out-of-body mission, Raven becomes frustrated because he can't protect her when she is on a viewing session. Her ventures often cause her to become emotionally drained and physically disabled after witnessing extreme violence, thereby creating emotional conflicts between her and Raven.
The story picks up speed as it progresses and multifaceted situations converge, putting Raven and Josie's lives in jeopardy during a nail biting conclusion. 

"Raven's Run" is a well-written and entertaining read. 
Reviewed by Joe Epley, MWSA Reviewer

Author's Synopsis:
A patriotic rogue agent, RAVEN, is saved by JOSIE, a gentle woman with mystic powers. They face terrorists with Iranian nukes.

When Raven is terminated with prejudice by the government, they must work together to rediscover censored history, expose high treason, solve two historic assassinations, and prevent an apocalyptic attack that would destroy America.

The backstory features some of the most interesting history that you've never heard. Best-selling author Anne Hillerman said, "Raven's Run serves up a giant helping of fascinating history along with memorable characters and hair-raising suspense. Bravo."

My fourth Thriller introduces two major new characters, RAVEN and JOSIE. It features a post-nuclear Iran and a young, naïve, John Black (the male lead in God’s House), along with a high-concept clandestine project of President Kennedy's: A secret initiative that doubled-down on his program to put man on the moon and assert American exceptionalism and power during the time of the Cold War and Cuban Missile Crisis.

Raven's Run contains a mix of fiction, true history, and real threats that pose extreme danger to America.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-0-9978052-2-2, (Kindle Version) ASIN: B00NGUG5OQ
Book Format(s): Hard cover, Soft cover, ePub, Kindle
Genre(s): Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery/Thriller
Number of Pages: 375