The Art of Peace, by Robert Moriarty — Military Writers Society of America

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The Art of Peace, by Robert Moriarty

MWSA Review
In his book The Art of Peace, author Robert Moriarty tells us about his experiences in the Marines and, in particular, his experiences in the Vietnam War. His writing style helps the reader easily visualize the events as they unfolded in his life. The author is very blunt in portraying his feelings as a young man who looked forward to proving himself in combat and then pointing out how those feelings changed as he became more aware of the duplicity within the military and government leadership directing the war. One might not agree with everything the author says, but he lays out a very provocative argument that the Vietnam conflict was based on a desire by senior leaders to get involved in another war and not the Gulf of Tonkin crisis.

This is a good book for anyone with an interest in learning more about close air support during the war in Vietnam or an interest in Marine air power in  general. Moriarty’s wide range of skill with a variety of military aircraft gives him significant credibility. The book also provides an interesting look at the psychology of combat veterans and their perceptions of leadership and rear echelon support personnel.

As I have mentioned, a couple different themes run through the book. The author did a thorough job covering both of them.

by Bob Doerr, MWSA Reviewer

Author's Synopsis:
This is a reflection on the current status of the US military from the youngest Naval Aviator during the Vietnam Era, a veteran of 832 combat missions in various fixed wing aircraft during 20 months in Vietnam. It is both an autobiography and a commentary on war from someone who was a warrior.

Author: Robert Moriarty
ISBN/ASIN: 1533153930
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle
Genre(s): Nonfiction, History, Memoir
Number of Pages: 281