Ralph The Tallest Elf; by Karl Boyd — Military Writers Society of America

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Ralph The Tallest Elf; by Karl Boyd

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Click on cover image to purchase a copy

MWSA Review
Trouble at the North Pole

Ralph, the Tallest Elf by Karl Boyd is a whimsical Christmas tale with a serious side. Written as a poem, children of all ages will delight in the playful poetry and engaging illustrations. Along the way, they will learn some lessons in working cheerfully, respecting others, and interacting in a positive way.

It seems that Ralph, measuring at more than six feet, has taken to bullying the other elves, mocking them in song and pointing out their physical disadvantages. When Santa is away, Ralph lords it over the smaller elves, creating an atmosphere of tension and disrespect…until the Clauses discover what is going on and take measures to “even” things up.
Although written as a Christmas story, Ralph, the Tallest Elf makes for meaningful discussions year round. 
MWSA Reviewer: Betsy Beard

Author's Synopsis
A Children's poem by Karl Boyd
Ralph, the Tallest Elf began in a very strange way. One Christmas season I purchased a t-shirt that said, "I have had it with elves up to here!" There was a line about the height of my belt. At the time, I thought it was funny, and the words to an old Christmas song kept playing in my mind, "Have yourself a merry little Christmas..." And so, much like Ralph in the poem, I changed a few words to those you will hear him sing. But then, it struck me - it wasn't funny to a short person, and how would I feel if it were me?

My mother loved to write poetry, and I guess some rubbed off, because over the next few days, I wrote "Ralph, the Tallest Elf" to redeem myself in my own eyes. To my surprise, with invaluable assistance from a good friend and editor, Joyce Gilmour, the poem took on a life of its own. I sent a copy as a Christmas gift to all those on my email list and received many replies stating how much they enjoyed the poem by sharing it with their children or grandchildren. With a little good luck, I was put in touch with Erica Missey in San Antonio, and she agreed to do the artwork you enclosed within these covers. Fantastic! With bullying being so prevalent in our schools today, I believe the message Ralph brings is told in two of my favorite lines: "You can be big, no matter your size." And "What really matter is Christmas in your heart." I hope your young ones will remember these words and the moral of "Ralph, the Tallest Elf" all through the year. Now open the cover and enjoy! - Karl Boyd

"Here Karl Boyd goes again, in his own sweet whimsical way to remind us of a lesson worth repeating. A beautiful story of how all people should be treated, with a carefully woven message that appeals to all ages. Thanks Karl for yet another treasure. - Mary Grammar, Redlands, CA

Karl Boyd is a retired US Air Force Master Sergeant. Much of Karl’s writing is taken from personal experiences while serving with the military in such locations as Bermuda, Iceland, Saudi Arabia and Hawaii, plus the Middle and Far East. Karl and his wife, Carol, now reside on the Gulf Coast of Texas where he enjoys fishing and writing.