Corrales Writing Group 2014 Anthology — Military Writers Society of America

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Corrales Writing Group 2014 Anthology

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MWSA Review
I actually love anthologies with different authors and poets because it gives me a chance to explore and discover new writers that I may just wish to read more from. Anthologies are samplers of great chocolates or wine or cheese - you get to have small tastes of them without having to eat or drink just one. So they do serve a great purpose in the literary world for readers and can offer up stories or authors that they might never have chosen. So I do encourage that readers read them.

This is the second volume from this writers group. Having read through the 2013 edition, I kind of thought I knew what each might bring back to the table for readers. However, I was wrongly surprised, as the group upped its energy and delivered something much stronger than their first efforts. I did read author Jim Tritten first and was rewarded right way with his two chapters. But I was taken by the quality of work in the book by Patricia Walkow who’s 3 stories start off the book and are worthy contributions to this volume.

There are 7 contributors to this year's collection as author Jasmine Tritten joins in with a wonder story called "Kato's Grand Adventure". The whole volume is rich with literary gems and is worthy of having on your bookshelf.

Reviewed by: Bill McDonald (2015)

Author's Synopsis

Jim Tritten (Navy vet and MWSA member) wrote: So How Much Did Those Running Shoes Cost? (humorous memoir) & Get-Home-Itis (memoir about a military flight during which he almost died).

Jasmine Tritten (Jim’s spouse and veteran’s family member) & Jim Tritten co-authored Kato’s Grand Adventure (fictional hero’s journey children’s story).

Thomas Neiman (Army vet) wrote: Anatomy of a Joke (humorous memoir about teenage life in New Jersey) & A Bedtime Story (adult fantasy).

Don Reightley (Navy vet) wrote: The Stage of Life (essay about aging), Jamison’s Bridge (first portion of a fictionalized essay about the big bang theory), and DO SOMETHING! (memoir about sailing).

Sandi Hoover wrote three aviation-related memoir pieces: Lighter Than Air, Right Seat Perspective, Kite Flying Rediscovered; as well as Backyard Distractions (memoir about wildlife in our village).

Chris Allen wrote three humorous memoir pieces: A Slight Tap (automobile accident), Eye-to-Eye (hiking in the wilderness), & A Grave Matter (mother’s funeral).

Patricia Walkow wrote three memoir pieces): Love's Assassin (what to do with old love letters), It Sounded Like a Good Idea (a humorous view of her trip to the Amazon), and Reflections on a Pond (a humorous view of life in her yard). 

The 2014 anthology includes memoirs, humor, philosophy, fantasy, poignancy, whimsy and fiction that will make the reader laugh, cry, smile, and reminisce.