The Night Sky, by Maria Sutton — Military Writers Society of America

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The Night Sky, by Maria Sutton

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MWSA Review

In “The Night Sky: A Journey from Dachau to Denver and Back”, Maria Sutton focuses on two major points. For the first three quarters of the book she describes the finding of her biological father and for the last one quarter of the book she delves into finding her uncle and many other biological relatives.

Maria Sutton dances between place and time, while clearly stating when and where she is for each section of her book. “The Night Sky” is in reference to her looking into the night sky and wondering where on the earth are her relatives. She gives details to finding Josef Kurek her father. There are many photos and copies of forms and papers throughout her work. If looking for information on how to find a relative lost during WWII, this is a good book for ideas. 

Many thousands today still do not know who or where their families are. Maria wanted that connection, a connection broken in time and circumstance. The journey is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. A journey of decades on a road back through history on roads scattered with atrocities 

Reviewed by: Julie M. Giguere (2013)

Author's Synopsis

This extraordinary and unflinchingly honest memoir takes us on a riveting journey into the hearts and souls of three enigmatic people whose destinies are forever changed by the events of World War II. The secrets of misguided love and passions are revealed as the author journeys between the past and the present to solve the mystery of a handsome Polish officer with piercing blue eyes and sun-colored hair. Maria Sutton takes us to the dark green hills and valleys of the ancient Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine, where the woody fragrance of birch trees and new-mown hay fills the fresh, crisp air after a heavy rain. Vicariously, we see a sunrise over Poland obscured by brightly colored swastikas on warplanes and then we will be taken into suffocating cattle cars, lice-infested stalags, and to the Dachau death camp. Further down a country road, the hearty laughter and beer steins clinking with each salute to the Fuhrer s astonishing victories can be heard. 

As Maria takes us on this odyssey to solve a decades-long mystery, she learns the family secrets of untold heroism, quiet courage, and a mother s love and of tragedy, disillusionment, and heartbreak. At the end of her long journey, Maria uncovers a shattering and painful truth. But the secret, however heartbreaking, would also become the greatest gift she would receive.