Listen for the Whispers, by Kim Kluxen Meredith — Military Writers Society of America

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Listen for the Whispers, by Kim Kluxen Meredith

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MWSA Review

The story of love, tragedy, and finding that there is life ahead is told in this personal narrative that has a message for anyone left with grief for a loved one that has died. Listen for the Whispers; Coping with Grief and Learning to Live Again is an excellent book that touches the heart of the reader. Kim Kluxen Meredith’s straightforward approach provides hope that, when life is interrupted by unimaginable grief, the pain can be eased and there is hope that life can continue for the bereaved.

I highly recommend this book to anyone struggling with the loss of a loved one. But more, it is a book for us all, for without a doubt at some point in our lives we will be faced with pain that seems to shatter our lives and leave us numb and wondering if we can overcome the loss. Meredith’s story shows that healing can occur and life can become nearly normal again.

Listen for the Whispers; Coping with Grief and Learning to Live Again is well written and easy to read. It’s a book that begs to be read in one sitting as the reader enters and shares the author’s triumph over pain. Despair and anguish are temporary and can be overcome. How the author coped with heartbreak during her journey beckons the reader onward.

Reviewed by: E. Franklin Evans (2012)

Author's Synopsis

“The whine of the sirens pierced deeply into my soul…” After a tragic one-car accident, a young mother catapults from an idyllic life to one filled with grief and uncertainty. By listening to the guiding whispers within her, Kim Kluxen Meredith’s journey from unfathomable heartache to a life once again filled with love and laughter is the inspiring story of hope for everyone who has experienced the loss of someone beloved to them.