Disability Compensation by Thomas VanHees — Military Writers Society of America

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Disability Compensation by Thomas VanHees

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MWSA Review

VanHees has lengthened the road map or in today’s world a gps for navigating through the hurdles that every veteran faces in “Disability Compensation The Veteran’s Guide Volume ll.” this his follow up to volume one. As with almost everything changes have occurred and VanHees includes these and more, as well as dealing with ptsd more deeply than in his previous book.

The basic message is still valid, do not give up, file and file and file until you are successful seems like a simple plan, yet thousands of veterans give up in the face of so many hurdles. The journey to winning may not be easy but he explains it well and all one needs to do is follow the plan learned over the four years of his battle. 

The Veterans Administration (VA) is a love hate relationship to almost all veterans. Nightmare stories exist, many are simply not true, and others are. He provides information resources that will positively help all veterans in the process.

If you have given up, buy this book and try again. From updating discharge records and medical records to attitude he provides useful information for all.

If you purchased his first book the second is a must have. If you are working on your own out of frustration buy his second book and follow his lead, your journey through the VA process will be much easier and far less frustrating.

Reviewed by: jim greenwald (2012)

Author's Synopsis

My book is a self-help/ how-to publication. It explains how to negotiate the VA's claim filing process when seeking disability compensation for a service connected injury or condition. This book is a continuation of volume one with new information that was added to the benefits that a veteran qualifies for. It also delves more deeply into Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which was lightly touched on in volume one. It also includes many subjects and information that will help the Afghanistan and Iraqi veteran. Basically this book covers all new information that was not available when volume one went to press.