I Want to be the Fat Pretty One by Lori Kathleen Cline — Military Writers Society of America

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I Want to be the Fat Pretty One by Lori Kathleen Cline

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MWSA Review

I Want To Be The Fat Pretty One is a first-rate handbook aimed at guiding the reader to a better self-image—from the inside out. This 106-page book is full of Biblical truths that with a modicum of effort and discipline can be applied to the life of every believer. The goals that the author suggests are lofty, but completely attainable.  
Although sometimes specifically geared toward military wives, readers of all walks of life can benefit from Cline’s wisdoms and applications. At the conclusion of each chapter, the author offers corresponding scriptural proof to back up her thoughts and principles as they pertain to that specific section. Worksheets and soul-searching questions are also provided at the conclusion of each chapter.  
Christian readers will not only be armed with spiritual guidance for the enrichment of their own lives, but will become better witnesses for Christ and a blessing to others as a result.  
Cline’s heartfelt writing is cohesive and credible, and is presented in a manner that is easy to understand. It teaches the reader that looking inward is the best way to enhance the outward, and that doing God’s work makes for the most contented self-reflection.    
I highly recommend this book to anyone in search of a more fulfilling life, and improved sense of self.

Reviewed by: Claudia Pemberton (2011)


Author's Synopsis

Ladies, why do we allow society to dictate how we feel about ourselves? How we style our hair. How we smell. What style we are wearing. Everything we present to the public is surface appearance. 
I am challenging every female to get together and work on your God Esteem. By the end of the book I want you to be able to look into the mirror and see God. I want you to be so full of God that there is no doubt that you are a child of God. We all come in different shapes and sizes. The difference though is one you are born with and the other, your rebirth, is a choice. How do you choose to allow the world to see you?