Battlefields and Blessings Iraq/Afghanistan by Jocelyn Green — Military Writers Society of America

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Battlefields and Blessings Iraq/Afghanistan by Jocelyn Green

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MWSA Review

This newest installment in the wonderful series of books on faith on the battlefields, deals with the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Three very gifted authors worked together to deliver a powerful series of stories that show courage and faith. It also demonstrates and shows the spiritual connections between these warriors and God through their individual experiences. 

The full title of this inspiring book is Battlefields & Blessings: Stories Of Faith And Courage from The War In Iraq & Afghanistan.Truly a lot of loving work went into putting these personal stories together. It is not just about what takes place on battlefields but it is also about people: veterans, mother's and fathers and chaplains and even non-veterans such congressman, contractors, and missionaries. 

This book is definitely good for the soul of the reader. It is an easy to read accounting of those who lives have been touched by this current war on terrorism. It is heart warming, as well at times, a little heart wrenching. 

This is one book that I proudly display on my won personal bookshelf. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who has military people in their lives. I even recommend it to those who are just patriotic or love a book of great faith. 

Reviewed by: Bill McDonald (2010)

Author's Synopsis

Stories of Faith and Courage from the War in Iraq & Afghanistan, part of the Battlefields & Blessings series, is a 365-day collection of inspiring stories of courage perseverance and faith-based on firsthand accounts of more than seventy who have been connected to or involved in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Through never-before-told stories, readers will uncover the personal challenges of the battlefield. You'll hear about the experiences and perspectives of deployed soldiers; chaplains; military wives, widows, parents and siblings; organizers of humanitarian efforts; veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder; missionaries to the Middle East and more. Each story is accompanied by a Scripture verse and a brief prayer.