It is the Soldier by Susan D. Wisemen

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Click on cover image to purchase a copy

MWSA Review

Angelic Music – A Spiritual Gift to Soldiers

Sometimes I come across people who really impress me with their endearing spiritual life purpose—composer, musician, singer, Susan Wiseman is one of those special souls. Her “FREE CD” that she gives away to veterans and their families is entitled, “It is the Soldier” It is a true creative labor of love; a gift for the heart and the spirit if there ever was one.

I sat mesmerized listening to it the morning that I wrote this review. It was raining outside and overcast with dark clouds with thunder pounding in the background—yet, in my room where I was listening to her music, it was all sunshine and brightness. She has created a heart rendering patriotic recording that reflects love and hope and spiritual values. This is a CD that she could charge $20 for and you would be getting more than your money’s worth but she is determined to “gift” others with her ministry of music.

The music is kind of new age in the best sense but it is also something else that is hard to put your finger on. I tried all morning to figure it out until I went to her wonderful website and realized that what I was trying to figure out was called LOVE. This CD is nothing but pure LOVE and that is what makes this music so special. She honors veterans with her words and music but every patriotic American will find this CD to be moving and entertaining.

Reviewer: Bill McDonald – President of the MWSA

Author's Synopsis


It is… “The Soldier”… in the mirror,
Who’ll say… “goodbye”… to me, today.
It is… “The Soldier”… not the man, or boy,
Or, the little GI Joe… he used to play.

It is… “The Soldier”… who’ll take his first steps,
That I… have come to see.
It’s for… “The Soldier”… Lord, I’m asking…
Make him… ALL… he needs to be.

For, it is… “The Soldier”… of this GREAT NATION,
That must face… the unknown.
It is… “The Soldier”
Who… may not be… coming home.

But, it is… “The Soldier”… who gives us the Freedom
To stand… beneath… this Flag.
It is… “The Soldier”… who carries Honor,
And, makes this nation… Proud!

It is… “The Soldier”… that stands before me now,
Not… the boy… he used to be.
Take him… in Your Hands,
Use him… for Your Plans…
Make him… ALL… that he… can be!

But, please… don’t take… “This Soldier”
Anywhere… if… You’re not there.
Lord, make sure… he knows… everywhere he goes,
He is loved… and, we’re… So PROUD!

And, please… don’t take… “This Soldier”
Into the battle… of defeat.
If… he… has to fall… be it by Your Hands
Be it… ONLY… to his knees.

‘Cause, God… it is… “The Soldier”
That keeps… this Nation… FREE.
Yes, I know… it is… “The Soldiers”
Who… PROTECT… our Liberty!

It is… “The Soldiers”… that stretch… across this land,
Far… as the eye… can see.
It is… “The Soldier”… of the past,
It is… “The Soldier”… yet… to be.

So, please… don’t take… “This Soldier”
Lord… he’s EVERYTHING… to me,
But, if… he has to fall… bring “This Soldier”… Home
To… the LAND… OF… THE… FREE!

‘Cause, God… it is… “The Soldier”
That keeps… this Nation… FREE.
Yes, I know… it is… “The Soldier”
That… PROTECTS… “MY”… Liberty!

So, please… don’t… take… “This Soldier”
Into… pain & agony,
If… You… need another “Soldier”… Lord,
Please… don’t… take my son…
Take… ME!

Words and Music ©Copyright September 2004 by Susan D. Wiseman