Benefit Spotlight
New: Book Giveaways
MWSA is happy to announce another new member benefit: book giveaways. There are similar programs out there–Goodreads immediately comes to mind–offering a way to get free copies out to your readers. As you know, book giveaways are a good way to generate buzz about a new book premiere or to rekindle interest in a book you published a while ago.
Unlike our review swap program, there is no requirement to write a review after receiving a free copy. Of course, it’s always a welcome result when any author gets a new review. To learn more or to start giving away copies of one of your books, see this page on our website:
Friendly Reminders
Call for Anthology Submissions
MWSA is still seeking submissions for its 2025 anthology. Prior guidance has been provided and can be reviewed again at
We recommend taking advantage of this opportunity, especially if you are a new author. Having something published in an anthology can only enhance your “resume.” Please make sure your dues are up to date and get writing!
Questions are always welcome and should be submitted to
MWSA Writers Education Series
MWSA hosted the first of five Writers Education Series educational webinars on January 19. If you haven’t seen that presentation, you’ll find a video of Jim’s Zoom presentation here.
The series will continue on Sunday afternoons at 5:00 PM Eastern, 4:00 PM Central, 3:00 PM Mountain, and 2:00 PM Pacific as follows:
March 16, 2025, Setting – Nancy Arbuthnot
May 18, 2025, Starting Your Story/Characters – Jack Woodville London
July 27, 2025, Telling – Narration and Dialogue – Bob Doerr
August 17, 2025, Plot and Story Arc – Jim Tritten
Mike Mullins MWSA Writer of the Year Award
If you would like to nominate a fellow MWSA writer for our Writer of the Year award, you can nominate someone using the form on this page:
The page also has details associated with the award and a list of past winners. Please submit your candidate by June 15.
Membership Sale Continues - 50% Off
Thanks to a generous donation from longtime MWSA member and prolific author Joe Badal, we’re offering reduced-price memberships for new members and six-month dues expiration extensions for existing members.
Who qualifies for the discount, and how do I get it?
Recruit a new member–the newly recruited person can join with a 50% discount, while the recruiting MWSA member gets a six-month dues extension.
Attend a Write Your Story seminar.
Contribute to our Dispatches magazine or 2025 anthology.
For a limited time, existing associate members can upgrade to a full member at a 50% discount.
Visit our website for more details or to apply for this exciting new membership deal:
New News
Dates Set for 2025 MWSA Annual General Membership Conference
We will soon be opening registration for our MWSA Annual General Membership Conference to be held in Kansas City, MO, Sep. 25 – 27, 2025. A big thank you to MWSA board member Rob Lofthouse, who volunteered to be our MWSA 2025 Conference Chair. Stay tuned!