November 2017 Info Blast


Dear MWSA Member:

A few days ago, we honored all who served in our nation’s military on November 11, Veterans Day. It’s a day rich in history and the story of how the day, originally called Armistice Day, came to be can be found at:
I’m proud to say that we have had an energizing year, capped with our conference in San Antonio. Thanks again to vice president Bob Doerr and everyone who helped make it a success. Your officers and board members are putting together plans to make 2018 even more beneficial.

A quick recap, in 2017, we:

  • reorganized the awards program,. a whopping 79 books were submitted and 45 were judged worthy of award,
  • computerized the membership list and got it in strong shape,
  • hired a management firm to supervise membership list and take charge of the website,
  • adopted new bylaws to make us more efficient, and
  • worked on writing workshop programs to help members develop their skills.

In 2018, we will:

  • continue improvements to the awards program with enriched communication, accelerating the review process, and give members more bang for their buck,
  • build on enhancing member communication through polls, email blasts, etc,
  • make significant improvements in the website and social media,
  • incorporate more members into working committees,
  • develop further writing workshop programs for members,
  • and more!

Your officers and board of directors have rededicated themselves to serve you. Our organization is strong thanks to you. And 2018 is your opportunity to show both your support and participation as 2018 is the year we elect new officers and board members. It’s your opportunity to step forward and be a candidate or to sign on to one of our committees.
So, when you receive your renewal notice, send it in pronto. And, while you’re at it, get a colleague to join with you. It will be the best investment you make.

Dwight Jon Zimmerman

PS Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends.

New Member Programs

In order to provide more value to our members, MWSA has rolled out two new member benefits:

  • Author Interviews Page
  • Review Swap Program

Author Interview Program

Provides a members-only, online form for creating and publishing an author interview.  

  • Create & customize your own interview
    • Write your interview questions and answers
    • Copy and paste your interview into our easy-to-use online form
    • Submit to MWSA
  • MWSA will reformat--but not ed it--your interview and post it on our website
  • Link to your interview on your own website to create buzz for your writing efforts

For more details, click on the button below.

Review Swap Program

Every author knows how important reviews are to their book marketing program.  They also know that--unless you already a well-established author or have an almost unlimited budget--actually getting reviews can be difficult and/or time-consuming.

MWSA has created a members-only blog on our allied website (the one hosted by Wild Apricot) where MWSA member-authors can volunteer to review each others' books.

For more details, click on the button below.