Where You Go, I Will Go by Victoria Terrinoni
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MWSA Review
Victoria Terrinoni’s book, Where You Go I Will Go, is a guide for military spouses. The author combines humor, resilience, marriage, and patriotism into a format that evokes memories of an intimate conversation with a good friend over a cup of hot coffee.
Terrinoni's honest, insightful story of thirty-one years of life with her Air Force chaplain husband will help any new spouse embarking on a similar journey. The lessons learned after each chapter provide a quick recap of the key takeaways to keep in mind and are invaluable.
Where You Go, I Will Go is organized by topic and is easy to read and retain information. This book provides tools to help a new military spouse acclimate, including an appendix of acronyms and abbreviations vital to know as well as online and on-base resources.
Review by Nancy Panko (July 2021)
Author's Synopsis
Military life is confusing. You have so many questions. Where will you live? How will you make friends? What happens when your spouse deploys? What about the kids? Through personal stories, humorous and serious, Where You Go, I Will Go: Lessons From a Military Spouse will answer these questions and more.
In this book, Victoria Terrinoni, a military spouse for 31 years, will show you:
How to handle frequent moves.
How to deal with loneliness and make new friends.
What happens during deployments.
How to help your children adjust.
What those darn acronyms mean.
What resources are available to find answers and support
Where You Go, I Will Go provides valuable lessons on many issues facing military spouses, especially new spouses. Most of all, you will see you are not alone in this journey.
ISBN/ASIN: 978-1-7368931-04, 978-1-7368931-1-1
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle
Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business
Number of Pages: 122