Marines in the Garden of Eden by Richard S. Lowry
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MWSA Review
Best Book on the War in Iraq! It is rare indeed that you will read a book about war that is so absorbing and entertaining; yet, it is as analytical and probing as any great history book can be. Richard S. Lowry has written the definitive accounting of the battles in and around An Nasiriyah. That includes what happened toPrivate Jessica Lynch and her fellow soldiers of the 507th Maintenance Company – their capture and misfortune and her eventual rescue from the hospital days later. In his book “Marines in the Garden of Eden,” the whole story of this operation unfolds for you beginning well before the actual combat starts.
He brings to life the men and women in the various units from the privates to the generals; he lets you know them as people. His writing style is unique in the best of ways. He weaves in all the little details of what was going on by several groups involved in those early days of the war. He simultaneously chronicles the actions taken by each unit so that it gives you an almost god-like view point of the war. You could never experience it like this – even if you were actually there in all the action! His depictions of the battles are crisp and full of energy and give you that eye-witness feeling.
This is good reporting and good story telling. This book will be read by military historians for many long decades. It is well documented, well structured, and easy to read. It is also a great book just to kick back and read on the old sofa.
Reviewed by: Bill McDonald (2006)
Author's Synopsis
On March 23, 2003, in the city of An Nasiriyah, Iraq, members of the 507th Maintenance Company came under attack from Iraqi forces who killed or wounded twenty-one soldiers and took six prisoners, including Private Jessica Lynch. For the next week, An Nasiriyah rocked with battle as the marines of Task Force Tarawa fought Saddam's fanatical followers, street by street and building to building, ultimately rescuing Private Lynch.