Welcome to the online home of the
Military Writers Society of America
Who we are
We are a nationwide association of authors, poets, and artists drawn together by the common bond of military service. Most of our members are active-duty military, retirees, or military veterans. A few are lifelong civilians who have chosen to honor our military through their writings or their art. Our only core principle is a love of the men and women who defend this nation and a deeply personal understanding of their sacrifice and dedication.
Our skills are varied. Some of us are world class writers, with many successful books. Others write only for the eyes of their friends and families. But each of us has a tale to tell. Each of us is part of the fabric of Freedom. These are our stories…
For more details, click here to read more about us. Feel free to browse our site and get to know our organization, our members, and their work.
Thanks very much for visiting.
MWSA Reviews & Awards
One of our primary missions is to provide our MWSA authors with an objective evaluation and a written review of their work.
Our annual book submission season runs from January 2 through June 1.
The History of M.W.S.A.
In 1998, Vietnam veteran author Bill McDonald built a website presence for his old Army unit (The 128th Assault Helicopter Company) that also honored all facets of the Vietnam War. That original website started off with just the poetry and prose he had composed while on his tour of duty in South Vietnam. That website was named The Vietnam Experience www.vietnamexp.com. It began as a humble reservoir of his war memories and eventually expanded to include dozens of his brothers in arms.
The first six months online the website traffic increased to over 17,000 visitors a month, eventually peaking at close to 275,000 a month after he participated in the making of the war documentary film (from Arrowhead Films) called In The Shadow of The Blade www.intheshadowoftheblade.com The Vietnam Experience website eventually surpassed 30 million total visitors in 2008. They no longer track the total...
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Dispatches is the quarterly publication OF the Military Writer's Society of America.
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Submit your book for Review & Award Consideration
Only available 2 Jan - 1 Jun each year
See "Reviews & Awards" section for details
Extra Award Stickers (Gold, Silver, Bronze) for your book
Postage for Medal & Stickers (for current year's medal winners who can't attend our awards banquet)