Before the Snow Flies by John Wemlinger
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MWSA Review
Part romance, part courtroom drama, part mystery, and part literary fiction, Before the Snow Flies by John Wemlinger has something for everyone to enjoy. Revolving around Major David Keller, a double amputee returning home from Afghanistan in June—by way of Landstuhl and Walter Reed—the storyline leads readers through family issues, small-town politics, post-traumatic stress episodes, and well-kept secrets. Dynamic characters and a well described setting enhance the story. Throughout the book, the question lingers as to whether David will attain his goal of completing suicide before the snow flies. The reader is kept wondering whether an old flame will reignite or past jealousies will douse the flame. The suspense drives the story to the final page when the reader discovers if hope will triumph over fear.
Review by Betsy Beard (June 2023)
Author's Synopsis
Major David Keller was well on his way to becoming a general when a roadside bomb in Afghanistan took his legs. Angry, grieving, and carrying a loaded gun, David returns home to mend a few fences before using that gun to end his life. But before the snow flies, his family, his community, and Maggie McCall, someone he's tried to forget, will prove to him that life in the small town of Onekama, Michigan, can be great once again--if he will only let it--and if murder doesn't get in the way
Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle
Review Genre: Fiction—Romance
Number of Pages: 313
Word Count: 80K